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learning guide.


15 minutes of writing


30 minutes of reading


30 minutes of math


30 minutes of physical activity


Activity to support mental health:


  • Journaling

  • Connecting with a parent, family member, teacher, or friend

  • Act of kindness

  • Creative project

  • Enjoying a hobby 

Remote learning focuses on core learning essentials: reading, writing, and numeracy skills. Each day, we will follow this general guide with a week overview. You're welcome to work through our learning tasks at a rate that works best for your child.


Work will be submitted through the student FreshGrade account.

An optional challenge is posted for the week. Check out the Applied Design & Art section.

Students are welcome to learn beyond the week's checklist, but please remember the goal of remote learning is to keep students physically and emotionally healthy, then focus on core learning and review.

Please feel free to contact me for any additional support

For additional learning resources, check out SD57's learning link below.

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